Raniero and Mariella. Rome, Italy
Raniero is the manager of a live club.
“We were quarantined from 9 March in Tormarancia, Rome, until 4 May. The first 3 days of Lockdown was like jumping into hyperspace, everything changed and it wasn’t easy to remain calm in the uncertainty and bombardment of news that chased each other faster and faster. Taking care of shows and running a live club, it was dramatic to have to stop all activities from March 4th without knowing when to be able to start again. At the beginning everyone in my sector hoped that between late April and early May it would be possible to return to normal; after 15 days of reprogramming we realized that this was not the scenario that awaited us; so we started working again to reschedule concerts, evenings from September and then to today we even talk about spring 2021. The entertainment sector – live music, clubbing, dance, theater, cinema, visual arts – has no certainty on dates and how to restart here in Italy, not a word from the institutions, except that it will probably be the last sector to restart. I remain positive amid doubts, uncertainties, hypotheses, working in Smart working, listening to a lot but a lot of music, reading, pampering the cat, keeping me informed on what is happening all over the world. Mariella gave me serenity and helped me face a new and difficult experience of domestic isolation. From Monday 4 May we have moved on to Phase 2 and I can’t wait to see my mother, my brother, play with the grandchildren and be able to see the sea again”.