Parisa, Janan, Omid and Deldar. Yazd, Iran
Parisa is an Iranian medical doctor.
“We are a familly with two little kids: Janan, 3 and half years old, and Deldar, 8 months. Nowadays Covid forced people and families to be home and enjoy their time together in quarantine but in our family it is not like this. We are separate from each other because of my job. Deldar has been living with my mom these 3 months because each day I come home from the hospital, so there is a risk that I could infect my little kid who has low level of immunity, and I cannot risk it. We brought her home when my shifts were finished this month and my coronavirus test was negative. I have 10 days off that each doctor or nurse have when we finish our 20-days shifts. So I take the test and wait 3 days, If the test is negative, I bring Deldar home for one week. In this pic my familly is together again after 1 month. In Iran quarantine is loosing the importance and most of people has broken the lockdown because most of factories and offices started working again. Until now I feared that I’m dangerous for my family, but now my husband, who is a civil engineer has to go work too. Nowadays my stress is higher than before because we are fighting for our lives and i can’t do anything to be safer. I can’t stay at home because if i do the people that need me will be in distress and if my husband stays at home our family would be in distress too”.