Alvaro and Marc. Canet de Mar (Bacelona), Spain
Open Arms volunteers, visiting nursing homes for the elderly making tests.
“Honestly these two months have been very productive and we are very grateful to be able to help people. With Open Arms we worked very well, they informed us and prepared us well to do the job, they provided us with a vehicle and meals every time we arrived in the places where we have to work. There has always been a nice atmosphere and the coordinators have always been very careful. We came to be volunteers through a friend who was already volunteering and who told us that people were needed and we were willing to help. Our job is to get to the Cap (Centro de atención primaria) of Girona, which is the medical center, the center of operations in the province of Girona. We meet with the manager who tells us what type of residences and centers we need to visit, we collect all the necessary materials for them. Once we get there we change, and we put on all the various layers of safety devices, we enter to make the tests to the elderly or to the medical staff or who works there, once all the results are collected we change we go to the laboratory to bring the samples, then we go back to the ship to leave all the material and then prepare for the following day “.